Galerie virtuelle de Martynova Elena
L'artiste Martynova Elena - St. Michel

Collection privée Collection privée

Dimensions (cm): H:100 x L:100 x P:3 - Année: 2011

Titre: St. Michel

Contacter l'artiste à propos de cette oeuvre:

Oeuvre vue 711 fois- 2 fois ce mois.

Description: The film won first prize at the International Competition in Moscow, among professionals, the Academy of Arts in 2016. He took part in the exhibition of artists in the Artists' House in Moscow in 2016.

Suivre cet artiste

Artiste: Martynova Elena

Peinture - Huile sur toile

Mots clefs: Saint Michael Russian art, France, artist professional, Academy of Arts, winner, paint, artist, icon, painting, oil on c